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How to maximise your small spaces with clever wall lighting solutions?

Do you feel your home is not spacious enough, so it feels cluttered all the time? Or maybe you feel there is a limited natural light source. While this might seem a permanent problem, it is not! With the right set of
wall light fittings, your small space will transform into a spacious one. 

So, let's dive right in and explore some brilliant ways to maximize your small spaces with wall lights. I'll share real-life examples and practical tips that anyone can implement, even if you're not a seasoned interior designer. 

Uplift Your Small Space with Sleek Wall Sconces

Have you ever noticed how some rooms feel taller and more open than others? The secret often lies in the wall lights! By thinking and smartly putting wall sconces near the ceiling, you can create an uplifting effect. This will draw the eye upwards. This simple change will effortlessly make your small space feel uplifted and more breathable.

For instance, consider you have a small living room with a low ceiling. To make that room feel more spacious simply take a pair of slim, modern wall sconces. Then place them on either side of your favourite artwork or a large window. This will instantly add a sense of height and airiness to the room. 

Add to this the versatile options available in wall sconces. You can go with either sleek, minimalist LED wall lights if you want a contemporary vibe. On the other hand, if you want to go for a traditional look, select a piece in the brass wall lights category for a touch of warmth and elegance. The choice is yours!

Photo by : 
G So


Make Your Artwork Shine With Picture Lights

If you're an art lover or simply enjoy displaying your favorite photographs or mirrors, then picture lights are a game-changer for small spaces. These small and useful wall lights are designed to highlight your cherished pieces. They create a attention-seeking centre that draws the eye away from the room's compact features.

For instance, you have a narrow hallway or a tiny entryway that feels a bit cramped. You can place a slim, adjustable picture light above a beautiful piece of artwork or a decorative mirror. This will instantly add depth and dimension to the space. The focused brightness not only improves the ambiance but also makes the area feel more welcoming.

And the best part? You can get picture lights in a wide range of styles. They are available in sleek and modern designs to vintage-inspired designs. Whether you prefer glass wall lights or want to go with the crystal wall lights aesthetic, there's something to suit every taste and budget.

Photo by : Michaela Williams

Use Adjustable Wall Lamps to Make a Functional Space

When it comes to small spaces, having multi-functional pieces are your best friends. That's why you should opt for swing-arm wall lamps! These adjustable wall lights offer both ambient and task lighting, making them perfect for compact home offices, reading corners, or even bedside lighting.

With wall lights bedroom, you can instantly enhance the little corner in your bedroom or living room where you've carved out a charming reading corner. By installing a stylish black wall light with a swing arm, you can direct the light precisely where you need it. This will create the perfect lighting you need for getting lost in your favorite book.

Or maybe you can make your small home office or a secluded corner of your apartment more functional. Wondering how? With sleek, modern wall lights with an adjustable arm can provide the right amount of task lighting to make you productive during your working hours. This will also add a touch of sophistication to the space, encouraging you to spend more time in that small room.

Photo by : RhiannonKatie


Give the Perfect Glow with Wall Mounted Lights

If you prefer a more subtle, minimalist approach to lighting, wall-mounted fixtures are an absolute must-try. You can very easily place these LED wall lights into your walls, creating a soft, diffused glow. The brightness from this will be enough to keep the entire room glowing.

Imagine a compact bedroom or living area that feels a bit too cramped and closed-in. You can put up a series of slim, LED wall lights for living room along the perimeter of the room. This small change will instantly create a sense of openness and spaciousness. The gentle, glare-free light from the wall light will not only make the space feel larger but will also set a relaxing mood, perfect for a family gathering after a long day.

And if you're a fan of contemporary design, you can even find fabric wall lights or black wall lights to complement your color scheme and personal style.


Amp up Your Space with Designer Wall Lights

Now, let's talk about the cherry on top – designer wall lights! These statement pieces serve more than just being functional lighting; they're works of art that can instantly make your small space feel larger and special.

For instance, you have a tiny dining area that feels a bit uninspiring. By installing a stunning, one-of-a-kind designer wall light, you can instantly add a focus point to it. This will effortlessly demand attention and set the tone for the entire space.

To further add a touch of glamour you can go with a gorgeous crystal wall light or a handcrafted glass wall light. Or maybe you prefer the industrial chic vibe then go with black wall lights with exposed bulbs. 

Wrapping Up

So, there you have it – a comprehensive guide to maximizing your small spaces with clever wall lighting solutions! When used smartly, they can transform even the most compact areas into functional, inviting, and visually appealing rooms.

Remember, the key here is to think creatively. You must be willing to experiment with different styles and placements, and have fun while doing it! Don't be afraid to mix and match various wall light fittings to create a look that's uniquely yours. After all, your home should be a reflection of your personality and a place where you feel truly at ease.


Make your smallest space shine bright with wall lights from Comet Lighting. We offer a plethora of options to make your journey of lighting your room easier than ever!

Explore our site today to get your hands on the best pieces!

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