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Elstead Lighting

All about Elstead Lighting

Elstead Lighting is a distinguished British company with a focus on the manufacture and distribution of decorative lighting. With a global reach and a commitment to quality, Elstead Lighting stands out as a leader in the lighting industry.

Global Presence and Distribution Network

Elstead Lighting has established itself as a major player in the international market. The company's products, specifically designed for 220-240v requirements, cater to a diverse global clientele. These lighting solutions grace a variety of spaces including luxurious homes, hotel bedrooms, public areas, trendy coffee bars, and elegant restaurants. Elstead's influence extends to over 60 countries, highlighting its significant global footprint.

The company operates sales distribution in three countries, efficiently managing an extensive warehousing and production space of over 17,000 square meters (approximately 185,000 square feet). This large-scale operation is crucial in meeting the high demand for their products across the globe.

Dedicated Team and Workforce

Elstead Lighting's success is also attributed to its dedicated team of over 100 committed staff members. These professionals are the backbone of the company, ensuring smooth operations, from production to distribution. Their expertise and dedication play a vital role in maintaining the high standards of quality and service that Elstead Lighting is known for.

Eclectic Range of Lighting Products

Elstead Lighting offers an eclectic range of light fittings suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments. These products are a blend of classic design influences and modern style, making them suitable for a wide range of decorative purposes. The versatility in design ensures that Elstead's lighting fixtures can complement various architectural styles and interior décor themes.

Traditional Craftsmanship and Modern Technology

One of the unique aspects of Elstead Lighting is its commitment to traditional handcrafts in the production of its lights. This approach ensures that each piece is not just a lighting fixture but a work of art, imbued with the skill and care of its maker. In addition to these time-honored techniques, Elstead also embraces modern technology. The use of CNC machines in their manufacturing process exemplifies their ability to blend the old with the new, creating products that are both beautifully crafted and precisely engineered.

A significant portion of Elstead’s interior lighting collection is manufactured in Alton, Hampshire. Here, traditional welding and patination skills are employed to create distinctive products that are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing.

Partnership with North American Lighting Companies

Elstead Lighting has also forged strategic partnerships with six North American lighting companies. Through these collaborations, Elstead is licensed to modify American standard 110v lighting products to the 220-240v standard, making them suitable for use in various regions including the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australasia. This process involves direct work with suppliers to ensure that these modified products meet the necessary safety and quality standards.

Many of these designer collections from North America are also hand-made or hand-finished. They undergo the same rigorous quality checks as the products made in the UK, ensuring that these imported pieces meet Elstead’s high standards of quality and craftsmanship.

Commitment to Quality and Customer Satisfaction

At Elstead Lighting, quality and customer satisfaction are paramount. Each product, whether manufactured locally or sourced through international partnerships, undergoes detailed quality checks. This meticulous approach to quality control is a testament to Elstead's commitment to delivering only the best to its customers.

The company's extensive range of lighting products, combined with its dedication to craftsmanship, modern technology, and quality, makes Elstead Lighting a preferred choice for customers seeking decorative lighting solutions around the world.

Elstead Lighting's Vision and Legacy

Elstead Lighting's journey is one of innovation, commitment, and global expansion. By balancing traditional craftsmanship with modern technology and maintaining strong international partnerships, Elstead Lighting not only illuminates spaces but also the lives of its customers. With a team dedicated to excellence and a broad range of products catering to diverse aesthetic preferences, Elstead Lighting continues to shine as a beacon in the decorative lighting industry.

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